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Who we are

We love to play, and let others play

Our name speaks loud.

We create toys, taking care of everything that goes around them as well: we are a skilled, creative Team, and we work having fun: we create, design and produce toys for children and… passionate non-children!

About play

Our projects

Some of our newest creations

The first property entirely designed by our Team!

Kawais were born with the aim of creating a community of special little collectible animals.

Combining children’s natural predisposition toward those animals with simple but unique color and style features, we strengthened the unique and special connection of little consumers for our fantastic Kawais.

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MeteoHeroes is an Italian cartoon series from the Meteo Expert app: six children with supernatural powers who become the superheroes of the planet!

We are master toy licensor for MeteoHerores, and have developed the complete toy line consisting of the collection of the six characters, the iconic Hypermeteo Band and the Jet Stream.

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The ultimate laser blasters!

Four different packs, with different game modes, to have fun testing your reflexes or for exciting challenges among friends, indoors and outdoors!

With the Argon line, laser tag guns take a jump into the future of laser gaming thanks to their special features.

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Case History

All we've realized

Our Values

The key role of the playful aspect

In Play Around we believe in the value of experience related to the play aspect.

Our projects start from the idea that a toy is not “just” a toy, but a tool for interacting with the outside environment and sharing an experience with other children.

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